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Take 2 1/2" (width) ribbon cut two strips, length will depend on how big you want body and wings. I cut mine 7" and 8". Take the 8" stripe: glue the ends to make a circle, bunch in middle and tie it to make the wings. Use the 7" for body, both ends of this stripe bunch (taper) up and glue, then glue one end around a little bulb on one side and glue other end on other side. I used pipe cleaners for the halo.
Enfeite de porta natalino
Compre Enfeite de porta natalino no Elo7 por R$ 45,00 | Encontre mais produtos de Guirlanda Decorativa e Decoração parcelando em até 12 vezes | Enfeite de porta natalino feito de feltro e costurado à mão., 896ACD
Kitchen Remodeling Tips and Facts
DIY Cheap and Easy shaped wreath form- made from a coat hanger and pool noodle. Then decorate!
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