Cool Gadgets

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Download: Mexico TV 2.3 From Amazon.
How Wearable Technology Will Change the Internet #infographic
How wearable technology is changing the internet? Wearables such as Lambda hat, google glass, rufus cuff, lg hrm earphone, myo gesture control armband, nymi will bring about revolution in the internet. Websites should be designed in such a way to enable interaction with any of the wearable!
Ovei Gaming Pod
Little TV screen, cup holders, reclines back. Sound proof...I will take one please! (I realize this is actually a Gaming Pod. It's for guys... but I would make one as a hiding place....for me)
The Almighty Board could be a chef’s dream come true
Touchscreen cutting board that can give you recipes, weigh what you're chopping and even tell you when it's clean enough! Brilliant!
Manufacturer in China for Apple Accessories!
Photos: Japan’s First International Drone Exhibition Underway
Photos: About 50 companies are showing their latest products in Japan’s first drone exhibition.
The Motorized Monocycle - Hammacher Schlemmer
The Motorized Monocycle - Hammacher Schlemmer
Apple will reveal its wrist gadget next month, says Apple watcher John Gruber
Apple will reveal its wrist gadget next month, says Apple watcher John Gruber
amazing wrist player an micro ear phone gadget by creative electronics ...
Seemingly impossible bike More at #tech #atechpoint
Throwable Camera Prototype Takes Stunning Pictures Of Everything While In Flight | OhGizmo!
Throwable Camera Prototype Takes Stunning Pictures Of Everything While In Flight
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Google+ @tech_pearce 3D printing provides more personalized and affordable options in prosthetics. Learn more about our healthcare offerings here: ‪#‎3dprinting‬ ‪#‎healthcare‬ ‪#‎prosthetic‬
Smartphone Controlled Bionic Bird Hits Indiegogo (video)
Smartphone Controlled Bionic Bird Hits Indiegogo - Bionic Bird is ultra light. Its mechanics, miniaturized to the extreme, are like a timepiece and contain several exclusive patents. Bionic Bird charges on its egg by a magnetic contact in less than 12 minutes. | via Geeky Gadgets
Ritot — Projection Watch
33 Insanely Clever Products That Came Out In 2014