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Grotten van Lascaux - altijd leuk om iets uit de geschiedenisboeken in het echt te zien!
National Geographic
A new study has revealed that most prehistoric art was probably done by women, because the majority (75%) of handprints found in caves (like this one at Pech Merle, France) have proven to be made by females by digitally measuring the difference in length of the fingers. The ring & index fingers of women are about the same length, whereas the ring fingers of men tend to be longer. Photo by Jean Vertut.
The Lion Man from Ulm
Lion man, Löwenmensch, carved from mammoth ivory, is 30 cm high and 6 cm in diameter. It was found in the cave of Hohlenstein-Stadel in the Valley of Lone, Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany), in 1931, recently dated to 40 000 BC making it the oldest sculpture known. It is now determined to be male. The arms bear striations carved into the ivory. It is pieced together from more than 1000 tiny pieces. Ulmer Museum. Ulm.
Cueva de Altamira
Cueva de Altamira - Santillana, Cantabria. We visited the original caves in 1971 when they were still open to the public. An experience of a lifetime.
overige uitingen: kunst grottekening
Chauvet-Höhle in Frankreich: Zwei Phasen menschlicher Aktivität nachgewiesen - WELT
Rhinocéros laineux
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Goddess figurines. A few millennia ago, women were important, and were widely "worshiped". When did society begin suppressing women? They were at the center of trades, life, music and dance and feasting and science for hundreds of thousands of years. Now, the dominant religions insist they cover their bodies. Males insist that women be subordinate. Men feel threatened by women. What happened?
Bird Figurine 22th-21th millenium BC, Paleolithic. Mammoth ivory, Malta settlement. This elongated figure of a flying bird has a small egg-shaped head and a long neck. The rounded end of the body has a hole drilled from one side. On either side of the body are short, broad projections representing outspread wings. Despite the stylization in modelling, the resemblance to a swan in flight is obvious. Such figurines were worn around the neck, with the bird's head down.
The Grotte de Rouffignac - cave of a hundred mammoths
Picture of Grotte de Rouffignac
Chauvet Cave Paintings Gallery Discovered on December 18, 1994, it is considered one of the most significant prehistoric art sites. A study published in 2012 supports placing the art in the Aurignacian period, approximately 30,000–32,000 years ago.
Cave of Altamira
Prehistoric Cave painting | 35000 years ago | Ancient Art History
Design History: Neolithic Art - Episode #3 | AnimHuT Creative Design Blog
I think its amazing that the people of The Neolithic times with so little knowledge of the world their paintings teach us so much.