Vagus nerve

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 · Last updated 2w
This polyvagal theory informed tool helps with self-regulation skills you can use to cope depending on what's happening in your nervous system. Use some of these tools to guide, and help with regulation when you're experiencing a dorsal vagal shutdown, or to maintain ventral vagal safety. Polyvagal Theory Nervous System, Hypoarousal Regulation, Nervous System Regulation Techniques, Polyvagal Theory Exercises, Dorsal Vagal Shutdown, Ventral Vagal, Dorsal Vagal, Polyvagal Theory, Nervous System Regulation
Polyvagal Therapy Regulating Resources; Self-Regulation; Polyvagal Theory; Trauma Healing; Trauma Recovery; Self-Regulation Techniques
This polyvagal theory informed tool helps with self-regulation skills you can use to cope depending on what's happening in your nervous system. Use some of these tools to guide, and help with regulation when you're experiencing a dorsal vagal shutdown, or to maintain ventral vagal safety.