Home decor

“We're all set and ready for the #skylineCLTarts showcase at 6pm! See you all in a bit! by @laurasumrak”
❤️ French lingerie chest painted a brilliant blue with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. This beauty is layered in paint; it took about 4 different paint shades to achieve this look. Each drawer is finished with sparkling hardware.
How To: Fabric-Covered Bulletin Board
How To: Fabric-Covered Bulletin Board - tuck in the fabric with a flat screwdriver - by The Homes I Have Made
We Can Fix It Blog
put a sweater on an old lampshade, cut off the top and glue down for an instant update! What a neat idea.
How to Whitewash Wood in 3 Simple Ways!
Ultimate guide + video tutorials on how to whitewash wood & create beautiful whitewashed floors, walls and furniture using pine, pallet or reclaimed wood.
Holzterrasse München Ausstellung Altholz Balken Bretter & Montageservice | Holzterrasse München Ausstellung | Altholz Wandverkleidung
Holz Wandverkleidung 3D Mehr