Jardinería y Espacios ❤

Ficus Shivereana ⁠
⁠For optimal care, provide your Ficus Shivereana with medium to bright indirect light and water when the top half of the soil has dried out. Ensure it's planted in well-drained potting soil. Keep a lookout for pests like aphids andspider mites, and feed monthly with diluted houseplant fertilizer during the growing season for healthy growth. ⁠ 📷: my_plant_haven on IG
Gasteria gracilis
Gasteria gracilis: Una suculenta encantadora para tu jardín. Descubre su belleza, cuidados, reproducción y trasplante.
This may contain: a man is pouring water into a cactus
Como regar los cactus
La forma correcta de regar tus plantas.