264 Pins
Brigadeiros de coco la delicia más grande! 🙌 Dulce típico de Brasil!
Love making these and giving them out as gifts! Best part? No baking required!
Love making these and giving them out as gifts! Best part? No baking required!
Sweet-and-Sour Truffle - Easy & Tasty
Try this tasty Brazilian sweet: lemon brigadeiro. This recipe is easy to prepare and has a delicious sweet-and-sour taste. Will you resist? | Brazilian desserts | brigadeiro | Brazilian candy | Brazilian truffle #iheartbrazil #Brazil
Trufas de cacao veganas sin azúcar {Menú de Navidad con Ventanas Verdes}
Trufas de cacao veganas sin az�car {Men� de Navidad con Ventanas Verdes}
Tips and Tricks | Krusteaz
Easy and delicious, this dessert recipe for Lemon Cake Truffles is the ideal sweet treat to make for any occasion. These beauties dipped in white chocolate are perfect for birthday parties, baby showers, wedding showers, and the holidays—because you simply can’t go wrong with pretty, poppable, bite-sized desserts topped with sprinkles.
White Chocolate Lemon Truffles
1 taza de chocolate blanco 5 cucharadas de mantequilla sin sal 3 cucharadas. de crema de leche pizca de sal 1 cdta. extracto de limón azúcar en polvo, para espolvorear Derretir los ingredientes, mexclar dejar enfriar a temp amb. cubrir con plastico y heladera.hacer bolitas. pasar por impalpable