
15 Pins
crocheted bookmarks made to look like teddy bears with hearts hanging from them
Handmade Crochet Teabag Bookmark | Gift for a Tea Lover
"Cute Handmade Crochet Teabag Bookmark This adorable teabag bookmark would make the perfect gift for the tea lovers out there! Or simply just a treat for yourself! Available in blue, lilac or green and made with 100% cotton yarn. Select your choice of accompanying tag \"you're my best-tea\", \"you're just my cup of tea\" or \"sending you some positive-tea\" This will be in packed in an organza bag, wrapped in tissue paper and boxed so making it an ideal gift to send directly to the recipient. Th
Flores de Crochê: Clique e aprenda a fazer lindas peças de Crochê!
Aprenda a criar diferentes pontos de crochê do zero, combinar cores e criar designs exclusivos. Inscreva-se agora e comece a criar peças incríveis com crochê! Clique e ganhe um ebook e um mini curso gratuito de Crochê! flor de crochê, flor de crochet, flor de crochê simples, flor de crochê para apliacação, flor de crochê com grafico, flor de croche passo a passo, como fazer flores de croche passo a passo, flor em croche passo a passo, flor de crochê para aplicação, arte
crocheted flowers are being worked on with yarn
Crochet And Join Easy Flower Motifs (ilove-crochet)
Crochet And Join Easy Flower Motifs
Feinmotorik-Training für Kleinkinder – ganz spielerisch mit unserer DIY-Pinzette!
Das tolle Werkzeug habt ihr ratzfatz und mit wenig Aufwand aus einer Wäscheklammer und zwei Holzstäbchen selbst gebastelt. Den Allerkleinsten dienen zusätzlich von innen befestigte Kronkorken oder Flaschenverschlüsse als Sammelhilfe 🤩 Und los geht’s: Beim Greifen von Pompons üben eure Kinder die Grundlagen. Wem das zu einfach wird, der sortiert die Bällchen mithilfe der Pinzette nach Größe, Farbe oder Menge 👍 Welche Ideen und Tipps habt ihr noch so für die Wäscheklammer-Pinzette?
More Awesome Sakura Ideas
Easy and Creative Sakura Crafts for Kids That You Can Make as a Family - fun craft for 4 year olds
3D Blumen Pop-Up Karte für den Muttertag selber machen
DIY, DIY Geschenk, Geschenk, Geschenktüte, Grußkarte, Muttertag, Muttertagsgeschenk, Muttertagskarte, Papierblumen
Personalized hand embroidered corner bookmark
💝A special gift for book lovers! 🔖Embrace your vision of coziness and simplicity with this hand-stitched, personalized corner bookmark. 😊😊Get it👉
Crepe Paper Rose Flowers: Crafty Beauty! 🌹🎨
Dive into crafting with crepe paper rose flowers for beauty.