
This may contain: four crocheted blue and white plates with tassels in the shape of an eye
Escarapela Arcoíris 🌈
This may contain: the crochet thread is being used to make a garland
DIY | GUIRNALDA navidad a ganchillo en 5 minutos | Christmas CROCHET GARLAND IN 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy Materiales • Ganchillo 4.00 mm • Hilo de algodón • Abalorios Si has usado este cordón en un proyecto, o esperas hacerlo pronto, ¡me encantaría que me lo contaras! Déjame tu versión dando al botón abajo a la derecha. Os leo en “comentarios” si tenéis cualquier duda. ¡Espero que disfrutes este tutorial! ❤️ Instrucciones escritas en ✂︎⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻ Materials • Crochet hook 4.00 mm • Cotton yarn • Beads If you have used this cord in a project, or hope to do that soon, I’d love you to tell me about it! Leave your version to me by clicking button located lower right. I read you in “comments” if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy this tutorial! ❤️ Written Instructions on