Spanish Class Activities

Ready-to-teach Spanish class activities for high school students to plan lessons and stay on track. Featuring Spanish lesson plans, printables, and worksheets.
238 Pins
Los desafíos mundiales: 8 Scaffolded Activities for High School Students
Los desafíos mundiales: 8 Scaffolded Activities for High School Students
La Ciencia y la Tecnología: 14 Scaffolded Cultural Activities for High School Students
La Ciencia y la Tecnología: 14 Scaffolded Cultural Activities for High School Students
11 Teaching Techniques Proven to Make the World Language Classroom More Fun
11 Teaching Techniques Proven to Make the World Language Classroom More Fun
Making Language Stick with Total Physical Response (TPR)
Making Language Stick with Total Physical Response (TPR)
Back-To-School: Strong Starts for Language Learning
Back-To-School: Strong Starts for Language Learning
Las Familias y las Comunidades: 14 Scaffolded Activities for High School Spanish Students
Las Familias y las Comunidades: 14 Scaffolded Activities for High School Spanish Students
The Potential of Drama in the Spanish Classroom: A TPRS Approach
The Potential of Drama in the Spanish Classroom: A TPRS Approach
Teaching Spanish Through Interactive Stations
Teaching Spanish Through Interactive Stations
Strategies for Integrating Poetry in the Spanish Classroom
Strategies for Integrating Poetry in the Spanish Classroom
How To Use AP Spanish Themes Across All Proficiency Levels
How To Use AP Spanish Themes Across All Proficiency Levels
Personalized Learning Through Special Person Interviews
Personalized Learning Through Special Person Interviews
10 Ways to Embed Authentic Resources in Acquisition-Driven Classroom Instruction
Using Authentic Resources in Acquisition-Driven Classroom Instruction
Interactive Language Activities and Universal Rubrics
Learn about the "Yes, No, Maybe So" activity and its adaptability across age groups, and the incorporation of universal reading and listening rubrics as effective assessment tools.