
14 Pins
Line your raised bed with chicken wire to keep out gophers and moles! (My-FavThings)
Line your raised bed with chicken wire to keep out gophers and moles! | My-FavThings | Bloglovin’
Greenes Fence RC4T3 Tiered Cedar Raised Garden Bed, Wood
Enjoy gardening without breaking your back with this tiered cedar raised garden bed!
Start A Fire
Raised Vegetable beds are simple to make and easy to maintain; use this method and you can achieve a productive vegetable plot where heavy digging becomes a thing of the past. Description from I searched for this on
Companion Planting: 10 Herbs That Repel Garden Pests
four-of-the-eight-raised-beds-of-our-vegetable-garden More
DIY Garden Markers Inspired by Lois Ehlert
DIY Garden Markers Inspired by Lois Ehlert's Growing Vegetable Soup - Get ready to start your seeds with your kids this Spring by reading Lois Ehlert's Growing Garden boxed set and create your own DIY, permanent Garden Markers! They make for great Mother's Day gifts too | Gardening | DIY | Crafts for Kids | Kids Activities | Children's Books | Spring | Gardening with Kids | Mother's Day | Gift Ideas |
10 Cheap but creative ideas for your garden 1
Vegetable garden | 1001 Gardens....Vegetable Garden inside a picket
101 Gardening Secrets the Experts Never Tell You
101 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You - Another Really Nice Vegetable Garden.