
21 Pins
This may contain: someone is holding a candle with flowers on it
mother's day gift idea ✨
This may contain: a hand holding a small white and blue beaded pendant
How to make a seashell charm yourself?
✔In the video, I have instructions on how to make it simple and very easy ✔ Everyone can apply and try it, the method and ingredients are already in the video ✔ Wire ✔ Beads any Color , better size less than 6mm Comment "YES" if you want to know more about how to make handmade jewelry 🔕Follow @harumijewelrys to get more daily jewelry information 🙋‍♂️Tag your friends if you want them to try handmade personalized jewelry #jewelrymaking #silverjewelry #goldplatedjewelry #jewelryhandmade #handmadejewelrydesign #handmadejewelryforsale #handmadesilverjewelry #handmadebeadedjewelry #handmadecrystaljewelry #handmadefinejewelry #handmadegemstonejewelry #personalizedjewelry #personalizedjewelry
Summer Outfit Inspo
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