
The coolest way EVA to get some summertime shade! There are numerous fast growing (and blooming) vines that could be used for this project.
Landscape Pathways
DIY Garden Path of Leaves by from Lovely! #DIY #Garden_Path #Leaves
Esta idea está muy bien. Ya tengo preparado el recipiente para esta primavera. Yo pondré las flores blancas.
15 Fabulous Ways To Add a Bit of Whimsy To Your Garden
A spilled flower pot is the perfect idea of bringing a little whimsy to your garden. Just tip Southern Patio's 22.5" Natural Oak Whiskey Barrel on its side, plant bushels of mums, and you have your own spilled flower planter.
How To Build An In The Wall Space Saving Dresser - The Homestead Survival
¿Qué te parece esta idea para ahorrar espacio en casa?
Ateliando - Customização de móveis antigos
Ateliando - Customização de móveis antigos: Galeria Penteadeiras Antigas Penteadeira Camila by Ateliando