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Money Pack is getting ready to do their mailer to 10,000 homes. Want to put an ad (coupons are best) in this quarters mailer for $350? Not much time left, before this one goes to print. Tell Debby you were referred by Shannon Engler • or (785)273-6428
Catalog Viewer
460 Promotional Items Under $1 • Check out this online catalog to view these items. Let us know if you would like to order your custom branded items. #WeSellThose Shannon A. Engler | Brand Warrior | GM @ LBM Solutions C: 785.383.8139 O: 785.233.1102 A: 5633 SW 21st St. Topeka, KS 66604 W: WWW.LOGAN1972.COM E: B: • LED Sign Specialist • Channel Letters • Promotional Items • Embroidery • Business Cards • 800,000+Marketing Product
Sept 11, 2019 from 5:30pm-7:30pm We will host a B2B Speed Networking Event you will not want to miss. Cost is $25, register online at The event will be at The Foundry 400 SW 33rd St. Topeka KS 66611 We will hand out a pre-stuffed bag, anyone that has registered for the event can bring items to LBM Solutions to have your card and any promotional items be placed in the bags. After you register you will also want to email your business card to
Networking - why you should get out of the office more!
Recently I sat down with an acquaintance of mine to talk a little bit about networking. We've done some networking together with other professionals and he gave me a couple of points of feedback.
When Shinnova.Solar said they wanted to do a rebrand with their new logo, we had no idea how much fun we would have! We put their brand on vehicles, presentation folders, business cards, yard signs, name badges, their storefront windows and door hangers. And we aren't done yet. #WeSellThose Shannon A. Engler | Brand Warrior | GM @ LBM Solutions C: 785.383.8139 O: 785.233.1102 A: 5633 SE 21st St. Topeka, KS 66604 W: WWW.LOGAN1972.COM E: B: