Make up

34 Pins
Model Citizen Magazine Issue 21
#branding #headshotslosangeles #newyorkmodel #malemodel #fashionmodelagency #modella #portraitphotographers #portfolioshoot #studioshoot #fashionmodelingprofile #ukmodel #portrait_universe
いいね!753件、コメント31件 ― LANE LANGさん(@lane_lang)のInstagramアカウント: 「Photo by LaneLang. Make up and hair @ted.luo #portrait #painting #fashion」
Alchemy of Beauty - Incredible pictures from a new beauty book
Alchemy of Beauty
Artistic Moods
Andrea Hubner Again on this piece the flowers being painted on to the face before photographing is a different take then just layering them on top in post production.
"Rough beauties" SO CHIC magazine - Yelena Popova Retoucher
eyeliner on the lips - smelling the flower?
16 Dramatic Lip Art Looks That Took Lots of Skill and a Steady Hand
16 Dramatic Lip Art Looks That Took Lots of Skill and a Steady Hand
“Inspired by @thehaasbrothers for Versace Home (thanks @vavavavu for the leads) and @girlgreybeauty Honeycomb lip art. I used @jeffreestarcosmetics velour…”