
367 Pins
Plastic Bottle Cutter
Throwing away old plastic bottles? What if we could just smartly and efficiently cut plastic bottles and turn them into convenient ropes? That's what made us develop the Plastic Bottle Cutter, a smart tool with which you can easily cut any plastic bottle and transform it into a beautiful plastic rope. It can be used for just about as many purposes as you can think of.
Recycle plastic bottles into Wall Hook
Plastic bottles can be used for many DIY ideas. Take a look at our video How to recycle plastic bottles into wall hooks
DIY: 🌈 Zauberhafte, verwunschene Wichteltür basteln | familienfuchs 🦊
Wie wäre es, wenn du deinem Leben wieder ein bisschen Magie und Zauberei verleihen würdest? Mit diesen wundervollen DIY-Türen für Wichtel, Feen und andere Wesen bringst du nicht nur Kinderaugen zum Leuchten. Ganz einfach deine eigene Wichteltür basteln |