a bouquet of red roses sitting on top of a chair

DEEP RED BRIDAL Bouquet with Rhinestone Gem Brooch. Deep Red Bouquet. Red Wedding. Custom Made To Order. Pick Ribbon Color.

Product Details
DEEP RED BRIDAL BOUQUET With BLING RHINESTONE GEMS AND BROOCH HANDLE Bridal Bouquet is pictured with a Bridesmaid Bouquet Bouquet features stunning real touch roses and RHINESTONE A Bling gem brooch is placed on the satin ribbon handle. You would not believe how real the roses look! You can cherish this timeless bouquet forever. Add Bling Pearl Brooches between the roses to add a little more bling to your special day! Measures approximately 12" width x 12" height Matching Bridesmaid's Bouquet: https://www.etsy.com/listing/763581030/red-bridesmaids-bouquet-with-rhinestone?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Matching Boutonniere: https://www.etsy.com/listing/266132094/peach-blush-boutonniere-wedding-single?ref=shop_home_active_83 (select your Rose color) Matching Corsage: https://www.etsy.com/listing/538687731/rhinestone-red-corsage-wedding-corsage?ga_search_query=bouquet&ref=shop_items_search_79 (select your Rose color) Matching Centerpiece: https://www.etsy.com/listing/277751494/deep-red-flower-ball-with-rhinestone?ga_search_query=POMANDER&ref=shop_items_search_27&crt=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/291261561/deep-red-rose-ball-wedding-centerpiece?ga_search_query=POMANDER&ref=shop_items_search_46&crt=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/663771330/burgundy-rose-ball-wedding-centerpiece?ref=shop_home_active_53&crt=1 Please contact us if you need a custom order. Thank you for shopping at Kimee Kouture kimeekouture.com