a poster with the words speaking phrases on it

25 phrases with sentences - English Grammar Here

1000 most common english phrases pdf 1000 most common english phrases pdf Table of Contents Asking Directions in EnglishGiving Directions in EnglishWays to Say NO in EnglishWays to Say I MISS YOUPhrases for Staying at a HotelWays to Say FOR EXAMPLEEnglish Classroom PhrasesWays to Say HELLOPhrases in ShoppingWays to Say GOOD LUCKWays to Say GOOD JOBWays to Say I AGREEWays to Say I’M SORRYWays to Say GOOD NIGHTWays to Say I LOVE YOUWays to Say BECAUSEWays to Say I DON’T KNOWEnglish Phrases –…


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