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arsvitaest: “ marsiouxpial: “ “The inspiration for the Al-Burāq, according to T.W. Arnold, was drawn from many pre-Islamic representative traditions in western Asia, including the centaur of Babylon, the ‘man-headed bulls’ of Assyria and the...
Der Vogel Selbsterkenntnis [bird of self-knowledge] To grasp oneself by the nose -- "sich an der eigenen Nase fassen" -- is a German idiom meaning to know oneself, reproach oneself, acknowledge one's own guilt. This ?18C painted panel is in the Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum, Innsbruck
Medieval Dogs at Work, Play and Church - Bestiary Dog Tiles
Medieval dog treating a cat for melancholy.
Satán y sus acólitos: ilustraciones ocultistas de siglo XVIII
Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros, un libro raro de 1775008xrtyhgvdemon3cy08
Princeton University Library, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 82G