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Clear Stamp Carla Kamphuis: alfabet kleine letters (open) (1892) | Carla Kamphuis | marjoleine`s webwinkel
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Day 16: Pp P can be intimidating at first, but it shares the same basic strokes as the letter b. Practicing those basic strokes - like the o stroke with the downstroke on the right side - will help you get more comfortable with them. Be sure to hold your pen at about a 45 degree angle, so that the side of the pen touches the page for thick strokes. Pull up & lighten your stroke by using the tip of the pen. Check out where to start each letter & how to follow the strokes. As you're moving up a le
Day 2: Bb B is one of my favorite letters to write. It's such a fun, whimsical letter to write. Check out where to start each letter & how to follow the strokes. As you're moving up a letter, your stroke is light. As you transition down a letter (like the loops of B & b), begin to push down and add some pressure for those thick lines. b is created with a loop + downstroke, then an opposite o (where the downstroke is on the other side). These letters were created with the @tombowusa Dual Brush Pe