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This may contain: a person stirring food in a pan on the stove
Receta de frijoles negros / caraotas
1hr · 5 servings Ingredientes • 1/2 lb de frijoles negros • 1 1/2 cebolla cabezona • 2 dientes de ajo • 1 hojita de laurel • 1 pimentón
Focaccine filanti di patate e broccoli
🕐Tempo di preparazione: 30 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 10 minuti 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 8-10 focaccine 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Patate, 400 g; Broccoli, 150 g; Fecola di patate, 150 g; Edamer, 80 g circa; Olio, 2 cucchiai per l’impasto + q.b. Sale, q.b. ; Pepe, q.b. Consigli: Puoi sostituire l’Edamer con un altro tipo di formaggio filante come la scamorza. Puoi utilizzare l’amido di mais al posto della fecola di patate.
Creamy, light, and airy eggless cheesecake which requires no baking. It literally melts in your mouth and tastes heavenly! This gluten-free cheesecake recipe is 100% vegan, refined sugar-free, and easy to make! #egglesscheesecake #vegancheesecake #glutenfreecheesecake #nobake #elasrecipes |
This may contain: a bowl filled with chocolate ice cream on top of a table
#postres #postrescaseros #postresfáciles #postresaludable #postresfit #recetas #recetasfáciles #recetasaludable #recetasfit #recetassanasysencillas #vidasana #vidasaudável #vidasanaysaludable #saludable #saludybienestar #saludynutricion
Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake
1hr 20min · 12 servings Crust • ~2 cups plain sweet cookies • ⅓ cup vegan butter, margarine or coconut oil, melted Cheesecake filling • ~2 cups vegan cream cheese • ½ cup sugar, or light-coloured sweetener of choice • 3 tbsp melted coconut oil or cacao butter, or 2 tsp agar powder • 3 tbsp lemon juice and zest • 1 tsp vanilla • 3 cups fresh or frozen strawberries • 1 cup canned coconut cream, thick part only • ¼ cup corn flour or corn starch • 1 tsp beetroot powder, to colour if needed Full recipe and method:
Vegan Cookie Dough
This almond butter cookie dough uses almond butter, almond flour, maple syrup, and vanilla to create a gooey dough that is ready in just 2 minutes! This vegan cookie dough is safe to eat raw, quick to make, and tastes absolutely delicious. You won’t believe it is made with wholesome ingredients! Add vegan chocolate chips for chocolatey goodness. This cookie dough is the perfect healthy, gluten-free treat and requires just 5 ingredients so you’ll be in cookie dough heaven in no time! #cookiedough #vegancookiedough #easydessert #healthydessert #veganrecipes