
63 Pins
some very cute looking bugs in the dirt
a close up of a caterpillar on a piece of wood with yellow and black spots
Armadillidium vulgare "American magic potion"
a close up of a bug on a piece of wood with light coming through it
Orange Clown Isopod
Orange morph of the classic Armadillidium klugii 'Montenegro' isopod. Care is identical.
two bugs with different markings on their bodies
Pillbugs & Sowbugs: Isopoda Checklist - Macro Photography by Nicky Bay
Pillbugs & Sowbugs: Isopoda Checklist - Macro Photography by Nicky Bay
a bug crawling on the side of a piece of paper in dirt and mulch
CRUSTACEA (Crustáceo) - Peracarida, Ordem Isopoda. / CRUSTACEA (Crustacean) - Peracarida, Order Isopoda.
a close up of a blue bug on the ground
a close up of a bug on a window with water droplets around it and a yellow object in the foreground
a close up of a bug on a wooden surface
White Tiger Isopod - Roach Crossing
White Tiger Isopod - Roach Crossing
some brown and black bugs are on the ground
Punta Cana is one of those isopods that has multiple colors in the variety! #isopods #isopod #woodlice #rolypoly #rollypoly #pillbug #crustacean #porcellio #Armadillidium #PorcellionidesPruinosus #OniscusOsellus #mtpetemporiumisopods #mtpetemporium #bio #bioactive #bioactivesetup #cuc #bioactivesetups #woodlices #rolypolys #crustaceans #cleanupcrew #hermitcrabs #hermitcrab