
105 Pins
karate-do by Eleni Labiri | 500px
"Wearing a belt around your waist, regardless of its color does not guarantee proficiency. It is hard work and humility of mind that molds the true warrior; not laziness and arrogance." Prof. Moses Powell
Técnicas e golpes
Nague – Waza Te-waza Ippon-seoi-nage Tai-otoshi Kata-guruma Sukui-nague Uki-otoshi Sumi-otoshi Obi-otoshi Seoi-otoshi Yama-arashi Morote-gari Kuchiki-taoshi Kibisu-gaeshi Uchi-mata-sukashi Ko…
Judo - Shime waza (Estrangulaciones) Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences Visit http://www.budospace.com/category/judo/ for discount Judo supplies!
soo 👁‍🗨 corner: Photo
judo techniques - 40 técnicas do Gokyo Kodokan (não estão na ordem das 5 séries)
12 must know Harai goshi setups by Matt DAquino