Old charity ads

A selection of old press ads and posters for charities, political parties and pressure groups. Each includes publication date where known. Please follow for regular updates. If you like these, you might like my blog - queerideas.co.uk. And I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on them, so feel free to click on the like button, re-pin or even go crazy and add a comment. Thanks in advance.
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an advertisement for the british empire campaign, which is being displayed in this newspaper article
British Empire Cancer Campaign
20 May, 1934
19 September, 2009 First They Came, Things To Come
19 September, 2009
30 June, 2000 Leaving A Legacy, Pull Through, Do Everything, Our Life, The Voice
30 June, 2000
14 August, 2000 Helping People, Growing Up, It Works
14 August, 2000
19 October, 2004 Care About You, How To Find Out
19 October, 2004
2 December, 1981 London City, The Covenant, You Are Awesome
Spastics Society (Scope)
2 December, 1981
an old advertisement for the salvation church's donation program, which is now available to those
29 November, 1982
21 April, 1982 Send Money, Poker, Medicine
21 April, 1982
an ad for lemon soda with the caption'lemon america is sending tropps to france
27 September, 1982
an ad for the health department showing information about how to get ridder from it
21 August, 1982
an old newspaper advertisement with the words time and money running out fast
6 February, 1981