forma humana en madera

301 Pins
Polar Bear Sitting - Bronze Sculpture - 5.5" - Art Deco Frith Adrian Tinsley
Polar Bear Sitting - Bronze Sculpture - 5.5" - Art Deco Frith Adrian Tinsley
Artists -Rose-Aimée Bélanger
"Gabrielle" bronze sculpture 8" x 6" x 6" by artist Rose-Aimée Bélanger Contact Galerie Saint Dizier for more information or visit
'I Love You (Smart Woman Model in Hat sculptures)' by Kay Singla
Bronze Resin #sculpture by #sculptor Kay Singla titled: 'I love you (Elegant Lady Standing Thinking statuette)'. #KaySingla
Mermaid Original Art by Myriam de Lafforest :: PicassoMio
Mermaid by Myriam de Lafforest
Figurative bronze sculptures of adults, life-size bronze statues of children, portrait bronze commissions, father and son sculptures, mother and child statues, monumental bronze sculptures for parks, commission a sculpture of children and adults, sculptures of children playing, portrait bronze memorial statues and busts
Figurative bronze sculptures of adults, life-size bronze statues ...
Eléonore de Moffarts • Art Center HOres
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