Decoração mesa

Lavinia Francesca on Instagram: "Continuando algumas inspirações para esses dias de descanso, um centro de mesa com muitas🌿folhagens e frutas🍏! Aguardem porque a mesa ainda vai vir completa! E maravilhosa, devo dizer!🤭 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Adding some inspiration for these restful days, a centerpiece with lots of 🌿foliage and🍏fruits! Stay tuned because the table is yet to come complete! And wonderful, I must say!🤭 . . . #holidaytablescape #holidaytablesetting #mesapostaferiado #foliagecenterpiece #centrodemesacomfolhagem #mesaposta #tablesetting #tablescape #laviniafrancescadecor #tabletopstyling #mesadecorada #comomontarumamesa #flowerarrangement"
{Lilly Pulitzer Inspired} Lily + Citrus Flowers - Southern State of Mind Blog by Heather