Artistic renderings of historic events

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Charge of the Winged Hussars, Kircholm, September 27, 1605.
Charge of the Winged Hussars, Kircholm, September 27, 1605.
"The Death of Pedro I de Castellan in a fight with his brother Enrique, 1368." Artist Radu Oltean.
Spalenie grodu rycerskiego w Bełczu Małym podczas najazdu Jana II Żagańskiego w 2 połowie XV wieku
The Sun in Splendour - The Battle of Mortimer's Cross - Wars of the Roses print by Graham Turner
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Das Blutwunder des hl. Bernhardin von Sienna (1460-70)
Das Blutwunder des hl. Bernhardin von Siena, Bayerisch-Fränkisch (1460-70)
Galloglass attacking one of Shane O'Neill's kern at the pivotal battle of Farsetmore, on the river S