
38 Pins
Espiral de Ervas. Concentra ervas com pouca necessidade de agua no topo e as com mais necessidade abaixo. Mistura flores e temperos criando micro habitats, atrai polinizadores. O formato de espiral aumenta a area de producao e facilita o manuseio.
Permacultura la Cultura para un nuevo tiempo
Diente de León: Permacultura la Cultura para un nuevo tiempo
Energy Savings Tips
This infographic details the way we spend money in our homes, and what each part is costing us. It also shows many energy saving tips, some quick and and some more extensive.
Deutscher Architekt in Spanien arquitecto bioclimatico ecologico German Architect in Spain : Contemporary
Earthship Biotecture/Michael Reynolds: (New Mexico) earth ship architecture
The United States currently relies heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for its energy. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable, that is, they draw on finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. In contrast, renewable energy resources are constantly replenished and will never run out. Here's a green energy infograph!
Afristar Permaculture Posters - Milkwood: permaculture courses, skills + stories
Using Permaculture to create an oasis!
Natural Homes built by Women
This is one of a collection of nine natural homes built by inspirational women. You can see each of them and follow links to their websites at
How Earthbag Homes Work
Earthbag Construction - Building houses and structures with 'mud' filled bags.