
54 Pins
This may contain: a piece of paper with flowers and numbers on it
altered paperclip for your junk journal
vintage rose altered paperclip for your junk journal • . • . • . • . • . • . #junkjournalaesthetic, #junkjournalart, #junkjournalaccessories, junkjournalasmr, #junkjournalbinding, #junkjournalbookmark, #junkjournal #junkjournalbeginner, #junkjournalcoverideas, #junkjournalcovers, #junkjournalclusters, #junkjournalclosureideas
Journal paper clip embellishments
This may contain: a person holding a cell phone in front of a piece of paper on top of a wooden table
Easy one page wonder for scarpbooking. Printable and digital vintage papers and junk journal kits. pink monarch prints. One page wonder. Happy mail. Beginner friendly. Paper crafting. Paper craft ideas. Paper crafts, and junk journaling. Have a crafty day!
This may contain: altered book page with butterfly and ribbon laying on top of it, sitting on a wooden table
altered paperclip junk journal scrapbook
altered paperclip take 2 🎬🦋 • . • did you catch my live on yt where i created this little booklet? If not you can still watch the replay! what are you waiting for? the link is in my bio! 💗 • . • also is this 👐🏼 a butterfly? (asking for a friend) • . . . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . . #scrapbooking #journalideas #vintage #scrapbook #junkjournal #alteredpaperclips #papercrafting #junkjournalephemera #junkjournal #hobbylobby #junkjournaling #alteredbook #scrapbook #ephemera #elevatecollab #junkjournalembellishments • #michaelstores #timholtz #fabricswatches #joannfabrics #timholtzphotobooth #journaladdict #journallove #journalcommunity #asmr