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PRE-IDENTITY vs POST-IDENTITY Architecture for renovating Fukushima Master in Architecture - Kengo Kuma studio Winter 2013 - 東京大学 The University of Tokyo Exhibited in Space 222 DUE 2014 - Tokyo,...
• New Years Eve • #mavantri #marcovannini #collage #digitalcollage #collageartist #digitalartist
Dandelion Vessel: Inflatable Skyscraper For Natural Disasters - eVolo | Architecture Magazine
Dandelion Vessel: Inflatable Skyscraper For Natural Disasters, 2016 Skyscraper Competition | Wei Ke Li, Sheng Jiang, Xing Chun Zhi Zhang - China
Gallery of 120 HOURS Competition Winners Announced - 5
120 HOURS Competition Winners Announced,Honorable Mention: Øyens Sky / Matyas Svejdik, Marek Nedelka, Pavel Springl. Image Courtesy of 120 HOURS