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Дизайн кабинета и офиса - фотографии | Салон штор «Бархат»
Кабинеты | Студия текстиля и дизайна "Бархат" в Оренбурге
A Sweet & Simple Cottage Bungalow - Today's Homeowner
A vintage lace tablecloth, draped diagonally, is a simple but dramatic window treatment. I have several interesting tablecloths I could use in this way. What to do with the matching napkins?
How-To Guides | Rowley
Shaped Rosette with Button. I can't imagine where I would use this, but I really like it. Maybe in a room where just one drapery is pulled back to one side in a small, but elegant room. I think more than one of these in a room would be just too much.