
333 Pins
Una buena idea de actividad para clasificar y hacer parejas abstracto/ concreto, alrededor de las frutas.
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Sticker Lines: Fine Motor Activity - Busy Toddler
Sticker Lines: Fine Motor Activity; quick and easy toddler activity; dot sticker activity; preschool activity from Busy Toddler
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Have your preschooler practice scissor skills with this easy cutting activity! #finemotorskills #scissorskills #toddleractivities #preschool
Cardboard Castle by estefimachado via mommo-design #DIY #Cardboard_Castle #Upcycle
The Christmas Book Family Tradition + $500 Giveaway - Simply Clarke
We are loving that our kids are getting old enough to create traditions and this year we decided to read a book each night during the month of December. As an Upparent Partner, I remembered that there are tons of great options on Upparent that inspired us! Read more + enter to win $500 to Amazon!