Electronics Projects

Thinking about starting an electronics project but don't know where to start? Read some of these tutorials or sign up for our FREE Electronics Class: https://www.instructables.com/class/Electronics-Class/
764 Pins
Super Cheap Security Camera
Giovanni Aggiustatutto shares how to put together a super cheap security camera that connects to WiFi. #Instructables #electronics #technology #security #photography
DIY Wi-Fi Sensor
Galopago shares how to make a WiFi sensor, a project that combines two ideas: no-code/low-code software platform and a quick, robust prototyping system that requires no soldering. #Instructables #electronics #technology
Ultimate DIY Hot Plate
mycircuits shares how to build a Reflow hot plate for SMD soldering using a flat iron the esp32 microcontroller and a IR sensor. #Instructables #electronics #technology #upcycle #reuse
Rubik's Cube Solver
aaedmusa shares how to build a Rubik's cube solver that can solve the puzzle in under 5 seconds using a Teensy microcontroller! #Instructables #electronics #technology #puzzle #toy
Maglite Rechargeable Battery
JGJMatt shares how to upgrade your Maglite to have a rechargeable battery. #Instructables #electronics #technology #3Dprint #tinkercad
DIY Power Supply
RP HOBBYIST used Fusion 360 to design this fully 3D printed power supply with a modern look and max 240W output. #Instructables #electronics #technology #3Dprint #Fusion360
DIY Optocoupler
taste_the_code shares how to construct a simple optocoupler by using an LED and an LDR that can be used to control a 12V relay from a 5V power supply. Instructables #electronics #technology #component
Christmas LED Circuit Ornaments
Inspired by the amazing electronics artists that have come before, 4dcircuitry shares how to make fun Christmas LED circuits ornaments. #Instructables #electronics #technology #art #holiday
Design a Fancy GUI for Your Project
陳亮 shares how to design a fancy GUI for your project! #Instructables #electronics #technology #Arduino
EDISON SCIENCE CORNER shares how to make a blinking PCB snowflake for a Christmas tree decoration. #Instructables #electronics #technology #Christmas #holiday
Add Separate USB Power Supply to an External Hard Drive
Maurizio Miscio shares how to add a separate USB power supply to an external hard drive. #Instructables #electronics #technology
Stowaway Simulator
MrErdreich shares how you can easily stowaway this simulator when you aren't using it! #Instructables #workshop #woodworking #gaming #storage
Wi-Fi Control of a Motor With Quadrature Feedback
Palingenesis shares their tutorial for Wi-Fi control of a motor with quadrature feedback. #Instructables #electronics #technology #3Dprint
Vibrator Module for Casio F-91W
antoine.seveau used 3D printing to design an attachment for the back of the Casio F-91W watch to add a vibrator module. #Instructables #electronics #technology #3Dprint #watch
Racing Monkey
jegatheesan.soundarapandian used Tinkercad to design the 3D printed BO motor holder for these little racing monkey robots that crawl along a line! #Instructables #electronics #technology #3Dprint #Tinkercad