
145 Pins
another shitty colouring tutorial by viria13 on DeviantArt
otro tutorial para colorear mierda por viria13
Brushes by michalivan on DeviantArt
A lot of people asked me what kind of Photoshop brushes I use for my work. So here I share a selection of some of my recent favorites. I tried to put there just brushes I created myself (hopefully ...
Photoshop Tip Jar #1: Filling in Linework fast!
Photoshop Tip Jar: Filling in Linework fast! - Imgur
Home - Best Presets Lightroom
La chuleta de los atajos de Adobe #photoshopactions #tutorial #photoshop #lightroom #presets
Allrecipes | Food, friends, and recipe inspiration
How to install SAI brushes by ASlovesLisa #digitalpaintingtutorials #digital #painting #tutorials #brushes
How to download SAI brushes by Neko-Rina on DeviantArt
Sorry if it is too messy or too summarized ~ If you want to know more about paintoolsai check this tips here: But this style can be done in any art program that allow you to loc...