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Bell's Palsy - Facial Nerve Disorders
Bells Palsy, causes, symptoms, treatment, facial nerve disorders, ear problems, ear nose throat surgeon, Call 1300 123 368 ENT Clinic Sydney
Color Atlas of Pathophysiology
Aphasia Summary. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources @sostherapy.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
FREE AAC Boards for Adults-from Amy Speech and Language Therapy, Inc. Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at for therapy resources.
Aphasia Treatment
I have something like this from graduate school!! Used it often when I worked in the hospital! Follow all our boards at for therapy resources.
Table 4 | How to perform video-fluoroscopic swallowing studies : GI Motility online
Table 4 | How to perform video-fluoroscopic swallowing studies : GI Motility online
Case 3
In general, due to the cross-innervation of nerve fibres, a LMN lesion results in paralysis or weakness of both upper and lower parts of the face, whereas an upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion usually spares the upper part of the face (i.e patient can wrinkle forehead on that side). Note however that this is not always absolute.
quadrant hemianopia
Types of anopsias (visual field defects) and corresponding anatomical insults.
Difference between Ischemic stroke & Hemorrhagic stroke in a simpler manner.. Ischemic stroke is the stroke caused by hypoxia in the brain tissues while hemorrhage stroke is stroke caused by excessive bleeding in the brain.