r e s e t

22 Pins
Claudia Patnode Saucedo on Instagram: "Gut Detox Cleanse: • 6 Cucumbers 🥒 • 4 Ginger Roots 🌱 • 1 Pineapple 🍍 • 4 Lemons 🍋 🗣 This Juice will Detoxify the Colon and remove excess waste from your intestines. 👤 #detox #guthealth #greenjuice #green #cleanse #gutcleanse #nutrition #weightloss #coloncleanse #monday #saludable #cuerposano #cuerposaludable #desintoxicacion #cucumber #ginger #pinapples #lemon #reels #instagood #intagram #fyp #snap #parati #instareels #loveit #boost #weightloss #mon
wellness shots🥬🥒🥕🍎
#wellness #juicing #detoxwater #amazon
This may contain: a woman holding up a glass with liquid in it
Easy juice
This may contain: a woman pouring juice into a glass with the words beet and pineapple juice
Beet & Pineapple Juice
10min · 1 serving Ingredients • 2 Raw Beets • 2 Medium Raw carrots • 1 inch ginger rooot • 1/2 lime peeled • 1-2 cups pineapple
This may contain: a person is holding a red bottle on a wooden board with another bottle in the background
Little overview on the importance of beet juice: · Helps in lowering blood pressure. 🍎🥤
This may contain: a woman is drinking from a green smoothie in a mason jar with the words fresh juice for dethydraated skin
📍Fresh juice for skin📍
📍Fresh juice for skin📍 If your skin is dehydrated then this juice only for you try it out and Make your face fresh a 🎗️check Bio Link🎗️
This may contain: three jars filled with yellow liquid sitting on top of a wooden table next to an orange
This may contain: orange juice in bottles lined up on a counter with the words how i make my community get health without a juicer
Immunity Boosting Juice Shots
recipe for 24 juice shots: - 8 carrots - 4 ginger pieces - 1.5-2 c frozen pineapple - 2 splashes of lemon juice (or 1 lemon) - 1 tbsp turmeric - 1tsp cayenne pepper - 1tsp black ground pepper - 4cups of water