
13 Pins
If You Dig Up the Easter Island Head Statues, These Are the Bodies You'll Find Below
"The reason people think they are [only] heads is there are about 150 statues buried up to the shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous, most beautiful and most photographed of all the Easter Island statues," Van Tilburg, who is also a fellow at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Life's Little Mysteries. "This suggested to people who had not seen photos of [other unearthed statues on the island] ...
pueblos originarios de chile
pueblos originarios de chile - Buscar con Google
La evolución de la cédula de identidad: De una simple libreta a una tarjeta con microchip
De una simple libreta a una tarjeta con microchip. Revisa la evolución de la cédula de identidad en #Chile.
Otro photo de Los moais de Chile en La Isla de Pascua. Me gusta mucho porque tiene mucha cultura
Emojis Created for and by Indigenous Peoples in Latin America
Emojis depicting Mapuche culture. Republished with permission.
TWAN | Milky Way above Easter Island
Silhouetted against the southern Milky Way and starry sky of Easter Island, are large statues, locally called Moais, remained from 13th to 15th century.