Joyería de filigrana de papel

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🙌 Самобытный журнальный столик с осязаемой подсветкой: этапы создания #ChatGPT #ИскусственныйИнтеллект #ArtificialIntelligence #Нейросети #NeuralNetwork #ИИ #Нейросеть #GPT #OpenAI #AI
I love to make products that I think people will find useful and will help them in a small way in their daily lives. These Pen Holder Bookmarks are one example. They help you stay organised and make sure you always have a pen 🖊 ready with your notebook, diary, journal, planner etc and the elastic can act as a bookmark. They also come in a range of fabrics, so they are both pretty and functional. #sewingbusiness #uketsyseller #shopsmall #notebookaccessory #fabricpenholderpocket #A5notebook #...
These Lanyard Pen Holders are perfect for making sure you always have a pen handy at work. Available in my Etsy shop in lots of fabrics. #penholder #teachergift #nottinghamsmallbusiness #lanyardaccessory #penpouch #teacherlanyard #smallbusiness #lanyardpen #sewingbusiness #shopsmall #smallbusinessuk #uketsyseller #smallbusinesslife #lanyardpenholder #fabricpenholder #handmadebusiness #teacheraccessory
Einfache Beutel nähen - DIY Anleitung für Nähanfänger - DIY Blog | Do-it-yourself Anleitungen zum Se
Beutel mit Tunnelzug aus Stoff nähen. Einfache DIY Anleitung, die ohne Schnittmuster auch für Nähanfänger gut funktioniert. Die Beutel aus Stoff eignen sich super für das nachhaltige Verpacken von Geschenken und zum Bevorraten von Lebensmitteln. Weitere Ideen und Inspirationen findest du auf meinem Kreativblog