
729 Pins
This may contain: two people standing next to each other with the caption that reads, what do you think
¿Abdomen bajo ABULTADO? 😟 | Quema grasa así 🔥
This may contain: a woman doing an exercise on a yoga mat with the caption gym vs home glutes
Struggling to choose between the gym and home for your glutes workout? We've got you covered! Discover the ultimate comparison of GYM VS HOME GLUTES WORKOUT to see what fits your lifestyle and goals best. Whether you love the energy of the gym or the convenience of home workouts, this guide breaks down the pros and cons, best exercises, and tips for getting those glutes in shape no matter where you are. Ready to boost your booty? Dive in now and start your journey to stronger glutes! Tags: #GlutesWorkout #GymVsHome #FitnessGoals #HomeExercise #BootyGains CC:--------
Whenever I would start any diet or form of exercise I would always be starting with one aim and one aim only: get below 50 kilos. Whenever I found myself sitting above 50 kilos on the scale I would get on a diet until I reached my goal of 49.9 kilos or whatever and then have a hurrah moment and go back to eating what I usually ate It was a cycle that had to stop So of course when I started #BBG in January this year my goal was to get down from 52 kilos to 49 point whatever. Every week I wo... | parked domain
#womensworkout #workout #femalefitness Repin and share if this workout gave you sexy smooth legs! Click the pin for the full workout.
Rutina Mañanera de Ejercicios para estar en forma
Rutina de ejercicios para la mañana ( escucha un poco de música y date animo para ser feliz)
Repin and share if this workout melted your belly fat away! Read the post for the info!
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30 Day Bigger Hips Challenge (Wider & Curvier) - If you want to get bigger hips then you will love this challenge. The workouts are designed to stimulate muscle growth for you pelvic side muscles. The wider hips workout plan will sculpt bigger and curvier hips.