
33 Pins
La Macchina Studio, Gianni Puri, Enrica Siracusa, mimì coviello, meson ro · OPENLAND | E13
Master of Architecture II Spring 2011
Night and Day: The Life of Death Valley [David Ross] Master of Architecture II Spring 2011 | The Cooper Union
Maya Brahms Koch - Arkitektskolen Aarhus
wall art and poster design, prints.
Architectural drawings for a custom home
The floor plan organizes much of the visual information in the set, indexing and referring to other documents: elevations, sections, details, schedules and specifications. It's drawn at 1/4"=1'-0" and dimensioned to show the general layout of walls, doors, windows and floor planes, but not detailed enough to show everything. I use AutoCadLT to draw these plans.