Hotel Avalon Starbucks
elZinc Graphite is a custom color of architectural zinc pre-weathered to a very dark, almost black, shade of grey. The beautiful dark hue of elZinc Graphite complements a building’s geometry nicely. It has the ability to either blend in or stand out depending on its surroundings. It is also very popular due to its purity and sobriety in architecture. Location: Alpharetta, GA Project Type: Facade System: Flatlock Panels Material: elZinc Graphite Fabricated by: MetalTech-USA
Elephant Grounds Have Opened Their Latest Coffee Shop In Hong Kong
The facade of this modern coffee shop is open to the street and defined by a dual black door frame surrounded by wood.
暮らしと仕事が自然と同居している店舗併用住宅【BEAST HAIR】 | 価格・施工実例 | 東海4県No.1ビルダー・クラシスホーム