Backyard Chickens

Are you looking to have backyard chickens and a chicken coop and are wanting tips on how to keep chickens then look no further than Homestead and Chill. Learn the top breeds of backyard chickens, how to care for molting chickens, sexing chicks, how to keep chickens cool in summer, everything you need to know about fresh egg storage, ferment chicken feed, chick care 101, how to wash and store eggs, how to clean a chicken coop, predator proofing a chicken coop and caring for chickens in winter.
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eggs in plastic containers with the words, wash regrigate? is this old egg still good to eat? get answers to all your fresheg storage faq
How to Store & Wash Fresh Eggs: Best Practices for Backyard Chicken Eggs
What is the best way to store fresh eggs? Do you have to wash backyard chicken eggs? Do fresh eggs need to be refrigerated? How long are eggs good for? This article will answer all of those questions - and more! Learn the best practices for washing and storing farm fresh eggs, and how to tell when eggs are old or "bad". #backyardchickens #fresheggs #urbanhomestead #homestead #chickens #eggs #foodsafety #hobbyfarm #farming
chickens and eggs in their hands with the words 9 ways to prevent or stop chickens eating eggs
Chickens Eating Eggs? 9 Ways to Prevent or Stop It
Once a chicken starts eating eggs, it can be a very bad and difficult habit to break! Egg-eating can happen out of boredom, but could also be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. Come learn 9 ways to prevent or stop chickens from eating their own eggs. #homestead #backyardchickens #chickens #fresheggs #urbanhomestead #urbanfarm
two chickens in jars with the words it's cheap and easy to ferment chicken
How to Ferment Chicken Feed for Better Hen Health & Eggs
Fermenting chicken feed is an easy and inexpensive way to improve the nutritional value of your chickens food, leading to overall better health - and quality of eggs! It takes very little supplies and time to do. Come learn how!
chickens in cold winter weather with text overlay reading 10 tips on caring for chickens in cold winter weather keep them healthy, happy and safe
10 Tips on Caring for Chickens in Cold Winter Weather
Read along to learn the 10 best practices to keep your flock of chickens warm, healthy and happy in cold winter weather. Let's talk about winterizing the chicken coop and run, special food and water requirements, preventing frostbite, winter egg laying - and more! #chickens #chickencare #homestead #winter #snow #chickenhealth #winterchicken
the best ingredients for chicken dust bath recipe
Chicken Dust Bath Recipe: Best Ingredients to Use
Come learn how to make a chicken dust bath to keep your chickens healthy and parasite-free with our simple chicken dust bath recipe. The post explains the best ingredients to use in a chicken dust bath, what to avoid, container ideas, the best place to locate it in the chicken coop or run, how to protect dust baths from rain, and more. Also learn the risks and benefits of using lime, diatomaceous earth (DE), sand and herbs in a chicken dust bath.
chickens in their coop with the words deep cleaning a chicken coop for diseases, pasties and more
Deep Cleaning the Chicken Coop
From grimy to glamorous! We inherited a messy, poop-filled coop at our new homestead. Come see how we refreshed and deep-cleaned the chicken coop while addressing concerns for biosecurity, parasites and predators - and made it easier to clean in the future! #chickencoop #homestead #chickens
roosters and chickens with the words rooster or hen? 5 ways to tell male vs female chicks
Hen or Rooster Chicks? How to Tell the Difference Between Male and Female Chicks (with Photos)
Wondering if your baby chicks are male or female? Come learn 5 ways to tell the difference between young a hen vs rooster, including wing feather differences, week-by-week changes in comb or waddles, size, behavior, and other ways to help sex a chicken. Plenty of photos and handy chart included! The article also discusses what to do with unwanted roosters.
chickens eating out of the ground with text overlay that reads what can chickens eat? healthy treat ideas and exotic things to avoid
What Can Chickens Eat? Toxic Foods for Chickens, Healthy Safe Chicken Treat Ideas, Boredom Busters
Can chickens eat tomatoes? If you're curious what chickens can eat, or what chickens can't eat, come learn al about it with these healthy treat ideas, toxic plants and toxic foods for chickens, boredom busters for chicken coops, hanging chicken treat baskets or blocks, the best chicken pasture fodder or seed for free ranging, plus tips on treats for young chicks, cooling chicken treats for summer, warm treats for winter, or what to feed chickens while molting.
chickens in cold winter weather with text overlay reading 10 tips on caring for chickens in cold winter weather keep them healthy, happy and safe
10 Tips on Caring for Chickens in Cold Winter Weather
Read along to learn the 10 best practices to keep your flock of chickens warm, healthy and happy in cold winter weather. Let's talk about winterizing the chicken coop and run, special food and water requirements, preventing frostbite, winter egg laying - and more! #chickens #chickencare #homestead #winter #snow #chickenhealth #winterchicken
chickens in their coop with the words best practices for introduced new chickens to an existing flock
How to Introduce New Chickens (Chicks) to an Existing Flock - Adding New Chickens to a Flock
Are you getting more chickens? Come learn the best way to carefully and gradually introduce new chickens to an existing flock for the most smooth, safe integration possible. Chickens are mean girls! If not done right, they can cause a lot of stress and harm to newcomers. This post covers how to add new chicks, young pullets, or adult chickens to a flock - with best practices for timing, age, space, separation by fences, temporary coops, feeding a mixed flock, how to deal with bullies, and more.
an ornament hanging from a christmas tree with the words handmade blown egg ornaments
How to Make Blown Egg Ornaments
Follow this step-by-step tutorial to make blown egg ornaments. This is a fun holiday craft project, and super special way to keep eggs from your favorite chickens to cherish for years to come. Or, use local eggs and add a little farmhouse flair to your holiday decor! #urbanhomestead #blowneggs #eggornament #blowneggornament #farmhouse #handmade #ornament #homesteadand #backyardchickens
apple cider vinegar health benefits for chickens
7 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits for Chickens
Discover 7 apple cider vinegar health benefits for your chickens. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about your backyard chickens but after reading this article it will! Organic, natural, raw ACV is great for boosting your chickens' immunity as well as… (tap pin to keep reading!)
a woman holding a chicken in her hands with the title chick care 101 how to raise healthy and friendly chickens
Baby Chick Care 101: Brooders, Heat, Health & More
Spring is here, aka chick season! Come learn everything you need to know to raise happy, healthy, friendly baby chicks - with tips on brooders, heating, food, treats, growth, health indicators and more. #Chickens #chicks #brooder
Let’s talk about some of the best and most popular chicken breeds that you might want to consider including in your backyard flock! To help you narrow down the chicken choices, here is the low-down on their reputation for demeanor, heat tolerance or cold hardiness, egg color, size, and laying frequency, along with any other notable characteristics. #backyardchickens #chickens #urbanhomestead #homestead Chickens Backyard Breeds, Homestead Animals, Best Egg Laying Chickens, Egg Laying Chickens, Backyard Chicken Coop Plans, Types Of Chickens, Backyard Chicken Farming
Top 18 Chicken Breeds for You Backyard Flock
Let’s talk about some of the best and most popular chicken breeds that you might want to consider including in your backyard flock! To help you narrow down the chicken choices, here is the low-down on their reputation for demeanor, heat tolerance or cold hardiness, egg color, size, and laying frequency, along with any other notable characteristics. #backyardchickens #chickens #urbanhomestead #homestead