Salvador dali

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My Ear-Trumpet Has Been Struck By Lightning
Salvador Dalí and Yves Saint Laurent. Photo by Alécio De Andrade. The crazy man and the dandy
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Surrealism by Salvador Dali Paintings | Surreal Thanksgiving, Salvador Dali's paintings for sale on 1paintings ...
Figueres - Salvador Dali Museum - Royal Tiger/ Chinese Lenins. by _parrish_, via Flickr
Ballerina in a Death's Head, 1939 - Salvador Dali -
~ Ballerina in a Death's Head, by Salvador Dali - 1939 - Surrealism ~
Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger, 1963 - Salvador Dali -
Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger, by Salvador Dali - 1963 - Surrealism
The Hallucinogenic Toreador - Wikipedia
My fav. Dali painting! It's huge & has a magical quality that draws me to it. I see it every time I go to St. Petersburg, FL.