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20 Easy DIY Tutorials On How To Update Old Sneakers -
A pair of cool sneakers are the best things to wear when you want to be comfy and casual, but still look really cute. Whether you’re rocking Converse, Toms, slip-on sneakers or something else, you’re more than ready to take on the world, one comfortable step at a time. The only problem with sneakers (or … Read More
25 Exclusivos accesorios que puedes obtener agregando estoperoles
Unos estoperoles por aquí, otros por allá y listo ¡Accesorios exclusivos al alcance de tu bolsillo!
Original prenda con camiseta reciclada (Muy Ingenioso)
Original prenda con camiseta reciclada
DIY Summer Clothes
Add pretty fabrics or a bit of lace to transform a boring pair of shorts! DIY summer clothes:: DIY projects
Decorate a plain tee by adding a pocket in a fun pattern and a strip around the sleeve hem.
DIY Embellished Denim Shirt
DIY your Christmas gifts this year with GLAMULET. they are 100% compatible with Pandora bracelets. Saving some embellishment ideas
Marina Hammes de Carvalho
Marina Hammes de Carvalho: Fevereiro 2014