
26 Pins
BSHT FALL TOUR 2014 Need some lights and love the lighted letter for back porch
How To Build a Pergola, Perfectly!
How To Build The Perfect Pergola! • Great Ideas and Tutorials! Including from 'popular mechanics', this how-to on building a backyard pergola.
Mason Jar & Rustic Pallet Light Fixture DIY. - could use normal jars but would need to check with Rich about multiple wires
Recycled Lighting for Your Home
Bottle tiki torches. I like this idea, but with the bottles made into DIY bug repellants:
¿Cómo iluminar el jardín? Ahora que ya lo sabe puede encontrar nuestras lámparas de exterior en este enlace :)
Gasp-Worthy Gardens and Outdoor Spaces
Outdoor living room w/add'l awning attached to pergola!