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Custom Jewelry Ideas - The latest trendy fashion custom jewelry ideas
gravel path with thyme planted on the outside of the planter edge - great scent as you walk past. These mortise and tenon end joinery are a cool detail. ( Kitchen Gardens - Design Chic) #gardenDesign
Turn Storage Containers into Self Watering Tomato Planters
Turn Storage Containers into Self Watering Tomato Planters. This is actually brilliant. If you click way down on the link, you will find a link to another website that has a detail video. This method allows above ground growth, with exact water needs, and for late growth regions it accelerates growing season
Shade tolerant vegetables
I'm going to need lots of shade because I want to plant ALL of these!! Shade tolerant vegetables
7 tips for how to grow gargantuan basil plants • Offbeat Home & Life
7 tips for growing giant basil plants.
Protracted Garden
Useful Mosquito Repellent Plants