nigella lawson

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Recipe: Nigella Lawson's Lemon-Syrup Loaf Cake
Recipe: Nigella Lawson's Lemon-Syrup Loaf Cake
Involtini Recipe
This involtini is one of the dishes you'll find yourself making again and again in some style or other. Slice eggplant thinly, then oil and grill it. The vegetable’s oily blandness is perfectly countered by the salty, minty, raisin-and-pine-nut-studded filling. Best of all, the eggplant can be grilled and the filling can be made in advance, and then assembled about half an hour to an hour before serving. (Photo: Craig Lee for The New York Times)
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Nigellas Ginger and Walnut Carrot Cake Recipe
Apple and Almond Cake
It's astonishing how buttery this cake tastes, given that there is not a gram of butter in it. The flour is replaced with ground almonds - and cooked, cooled, pureed fruit provides moistness and flavour.
Mughlai Chicken
Mughlai Chicken: I feel very strongly that you should use the moister brown meat, from the thigh, for this, but if you prefer breast meat, and it's a common preference, that's your choice. I can't pretend to understand it though.