Feral Houses

Feral Houses: Feral means reversion to a wild state, as from domestication. It comes from the Latin root fera, for wild beast, but it also has a connection to another Latin word, feralis, literally belonging to the dead. Though it is usually used to describe animals, I have wondered if feral couldn't also be used to describe certain houses here in Detroit. For a few beautiful months every summer, some of the tens of thousands of abandoned houses become feral in every sense: they disappear behind ivy or the untended shrubs and trees planted generations ago to decorate their yards. http://lenscratch.blogspot.com/2010/10/james-griffioen.html
205 Pins
One day I'm going to buy a run down old house and fix it up.
Exploring the Hauntingly Beautiful Interior of an Abandoned Castle - I Love Halloween
This Castle was Abandoned in 1932 after a major Fire. The Inside is Hauntingly Beautiful.
All Things Beautiful
This looks like my dream house on Long Island Sound waterfront in Branford, Ct. It was abandoned then too.
...abandoned frozen house - guess they left because they couldn't pay the heating bill.....
Sauer's Castle
This abandoned mansion witnessed numerous family deaths & neighbors have reported violent hauntings. Better bring the holy water..