Vestuario bordado

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Visible mending, la réparation contre l'obsolescence programmée - The Good Goods
Le visible mending, réparation visible en français, consiste à raccommoder ses vêtements en laissant les coutures apparentes. #rafistoler #raccommoder #réparer #jeantroué #reparation #accrocs #couture #tutocouture
This may contain: two hands are working on a piece of fabric
Just a moment from my hand embroidery work
This hand embroidered linen table cloth is available on my Etsy Shop!
♻️ Denim Jacket Upcycled from? ⇢ Sari Embroidery Remnants ⇢ Pre-loved Jacket ♡ Will be posted to the shop tonight!! #upcycle #upcycling #upcyclefashion #rework #reworkedclothing #ecofriendly #ecofashion #denim #denimjacket #denimstyle #jeanjacket #denimstyles #sustainability #sustainable #sustainablestyle #sustainablefashion #sustainableliving #sustainableclothing #upcycled #westernfashion #westernstyle #reuse #denim #denimjacket #denimstyle #jean #jeanjacket #zerowaste #zerowasteliving
бохо | Записи в рубрике бохо | Дневник Блухи : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
It's pretty again ... discarded brown corduroy jacket gets new life with lace cuffs, shweshwe (traditional South African cotton) collar, guipure lace flowers and mother-of-pearl buttons