Altares, meditaciones, contemplación..etc..

Save those old grapevine wreaths - remove the tired silk flowers or christmas greens and plant a Live spring garden wreath!!!
Slate and driftwood tapestry weaving
Slate and driftwood tapestry weaving by craftytrekky, via Flickr (I love this combination of rocks, driftwood, and weaving!!!
Feline Design - DIY for Cat Homes
A #treehouse for your cat! Genius! Feline Design - DIY for Cat Homes
The witch by the sea may collect her tools from the sea itself, she may grow aquatinted with the rare and beautiful spirits of the sea and share a bond with the animal inhabitants within. She may work her knot magic with the ropes and nets she scavenges from the water, she may have no need of the divination mirror, for she has the stillness of the tide-pool to gaze into...- oh to live by the sea...
Stunning Circular Land Art Made of Rocks and Leaves
Circular Land Art Made of Rocks and Leaves - My Modern Met
This Was a Pretend Post — Abrams Craft
Joelle's River Rock Colour Wheel
Residents of some areas of Ireland say that if you have something you wish to happen, you "give it to the pebble." Carry a stone in your hand as you circle the Litha bonfire, and whisper your request to the stone -- "heal my mother" or "help me be more courageous", for example. After your third turn around the fire, toss the stone into the flames.
Himalayan Quartz Crystal Mandala at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, Sacred Land of the Paiute Tribe (source)